Thursday, March 26, 2015

To Be Prolife Is to Accept No Exceptions

Is your love conditional? Do you love one child more than the other, based on some perceived value? Who determines the right to life?

These questions may appear simple on the surface but what does the world tell us? When it comes to the unborn, how does your prolife walk measure up to your prolife talk?

The morally acceptable answer can be found in the Great Commandment, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. (Matthew 22:37) And the second, which is like it, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Matthew 22:39-40)"

If we follow this explicit instruction given by Jesus Christ, we can demand no exceptions and accept no compromise. We are to love our neighbor and our neighbor is everyone - every human being!

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus shared this story with a lawyer who had attempted to entrap Him. The lawyer slyly asked, "Who is my neighbor?" (Luke 10:25-37) Jesus left no room for doubt in His replay. The command was clearly stated and clarified. Even though some may shy away, repulsed, as they did with the unfortunate robbery victim, we are called to show loving care. If it means stepping out of our comfort zone, proves to be inconvenient, or takes an abundance of grace - we are still charged with obedience.

So how can we position ourselves to hold exceptions when it comes to the most vulnerable of all neighbors? The violent war being waged against the unborn, in our country and around the globe, begs an honest answer. These innocents have done no harm, have committed no crime. Like the man who was robbed on his way to Jericho, they are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Some babies come to this world with less than perfect credentials as well - at least from a secular viewpoint. There are babies who are conceive through rape or incest, those who have physical anomalies, or who could be a challenge to the economics of a family. Yet their worth, their right to life is not a choice we have a right to make. Even when based on flawed human preferences or false values.

The undeniable conclusion must be, then, that whether or not we are righteous in claiming to be prolife is decided by whether or not we attempt to put conditions on who deserves life. That's simply not our call. God, the Author of Life, has given the right to life to each individual at His desire. He, and only He, creates the life and only He has the right to call a life into eternity. The righteous heart acknowledges no exceptions and no compromise!

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