Friday, May 20, 2016

Well, What Do You Expect?

Expectations. We have a lot of them in life. Most often we aren’t even aware of them – that is until they aren’t met. But do we expect a certain thing just because we want it or do we make efforts toward the object of our expectation?

We all want to be loved, for example. That’s a given. Even Jesus, Himself, wants that. Yet when we don’t do anything about making ourselves lovable, how can we expect to be loved?

Of course there are those who love us without strings: God, parents, children even. But what about their expectations? Don’t they want to be loved too?

If we truly want to be lovers – which is what Jesus asks of us – then we must turn our expectation of love into love of others above ourselves. As contrary as that may sound, to be loveable we must first love.

So what to do? Think of the unselfish way God created us, His creatures. He is pure Love and wants only the best for us. Yet He also gave us Free Will. More times than not, we fall down and don’t live up to our potential. Yet he loves us anyway.

Think of the love of your parents. They, too, had a hand in your creation. They also love you unconditionally. Sure, there are certain expectations of success, but even when we fail they love us anyway.

It’s been said that to have a friend we must first be a friend. The same can be said for love. In order to be fully loveable we must first learn to love. Love as Jesus taught. Love as Jesus demonstrated. Then our expectations, and then some, will be realized.

True love is unselfish.



Here we are again, joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday #fmf - a fun way to participate in timed free writing with other bloggers.

Today's #fmf prompt is 'expect'. Follow the link to check out some truly inspirational entries.

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