Friday, June 24, 2016

Rest in His Arms Always

We all have them – days when nothing seems to be going our way. Those are the days when we should rest in the arms of Jesus. He, alone, can bring us comfort and peace.

We all have them – days when the world is our oyster and everything is going our way. Those are the days when we should rest in the arms of Jesus. He, alone, can bring us temperance.

We all have them – days when some things are going right and other things, not so much. Those are the days we should rest in the arms of Jesus. He alone is our unwavering solace, companion, and Love.

No matter what the world hands us, we should consider trying to pray always. Make every day a day that we consciously have Jesus at our side. We need Him to tell us when we should act in love – to the stranger or friend who irks us. He should be there to share our joy – in Him and the life He with which He has gifted us. We owe him everything and so it should be natural to include Him in everything – every joy, every fear, every victory, every loss, and every moment of every day. Then, someday, at a time only known by the Father, we will rest in His arms for Eternity.

"By habitually thinking of God, we succeed in praying 24 hours a day." St. Paul of the Cross
For a clearer understanding, read "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence.



Here we are again, joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday #fmf - a fun way to participate in timed free writing with other bloggers.

Today's #fmf prompt is 'rest'. Follow the link to check out some truly inspirational entries.

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